Big Daddy, Big Daddy, Big Daddy!

With all the hype about Bioshock Infinite coming out (and my friends being completely obsessed with the Bioshock games), I decided to give Bioshock a shot. And I’m still giving it a shot, because it creeps me out and I can’t play for more than an hour at a time by myself.
And I don’t think I can reiterate enough how terrible I am at first-person shooters. Despite all of that, I’m actually really into this game.
Basically, you’re wandering around in this abandoned, underwater utopia that’s plagued by drug-addicted zombies, creepy, drug-dealing little girls and their giant, guardian machines that have drills for hands.


A Big Daddy and its Little Sister. Usually that drill goes right into my character’s face.

The thing is, you have to save the Little Sisters before you finish a level. But you have to defeat a Big Daddy to get to the Little Sister. And my already-pathetic aiming abilities decrease by about 40 percent when I see that giant robot with its drill hands running at me, so this game is taking some time.
I haven’t gotten very far into the first game, but I hope to finish it and expand more on the themes and story of the game. I don’t know much about the abandoned city of Rapture or its downfall, but I’m slowly obtaining more and more information on its history. So far I really like where this game is going.

It’s just a little creepy sometimes.

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