
This is my gaming mustache.

This is my gaming mustache.

I’m Jessica and I’m a 21-year-old college student addicted to video games. That being said, I just like playing them. I’m not actually very good at them. In fact, I play most games on easy mode but that doesn’t detain my gaming spirit! So here is where I will blog about my experiences with the video games that I can afford. But you didn’t click “about” just to hear about why I’m doing this, did you? Of course not! Video games are awesome and you know that! You want to know more about my charming self, and, well, I guess it all had to start somewhere.

My life as a gamer began at the tender age of seven, when my dad brought home the original NES-brick and the encyclopedia-sized Super Mario Bros. cartage for me to play.

You could probably drop it on someone’s head and effectively give them a concussion.

And what else would he give little 7-year-old me but THE MOST FRUSTRATING GAME KNOWN TO MAN.

I don’t completely recall, but I don’t think you could save this game. If you could, my tender young brain could never figure it out, so I never got past the first few levels. It didn’t make me any better of a gamer (because I’m still terrible at playing video games, I just really enjoy being terrible) but it gave me character! Nothing like finally jumping on the head that stupid flying Koopa after killing you 47 times to make you feel like you’ve really accomplished something for yourself.

Then for birthday a few years later, my parents got me the coveted, graphically astounding Playstation for my birthday on which I played much more forgiving, savable games such as Harry Potter, Barbie Race ‘n’ Ride (judgement is not appreciated), and almost every Crash Bandicoot the late ’90s could crap out.

I then slowly graduated to the XBOX in middle school, and then went out with boys who would buy me video games for Valentine’s day and my birthday.  And so I obtained the first two Halo games and discovered that I’m especially bad at first-person shooters. The flood monsters also scarred me for life.

Tell me this isn’t terrifying. I dare you.

Unfortunately, I went through a bit of a video game dry spell in high school. I did play through the Fable games, though, and that kept my weak, starving inner gamer alive. And today it all boils down to too much free time and a Playstation 3.
Here’s the part where I could go on forever about the games I’ve played since I married my Playstation, but you can find those stories under the “Legends of Awesome” tab. I’ll be updating my blog with my passion and rage as I delve through as many games as this semester permits. And any suggestions on what else I should play? You guys gotta let me know. I’m up for anything. Except for Dead Space. No, thank you.

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